Rapid Recharge // Leaning Into Uncomfort

Episode 298. Aired May 22, 2019.

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What a week, I got to spend the weekend with a lot of family. My cousin Katie got married and we had a blast with her friends. I made some new friends and got to hang out with some of my favorite people, my family.
My mom before I left to drive home asked me how I was paying for things, I said with my debit card, but I use the “credit” option not the debit when getting gas etc. Well guess what, someone got my card number. Not my whole identity stolen, but the card I do everything with.
It is a pain to have to change where all those cards are. Maybe it wasn’t from a gas station, maybe it was from somewhere online, but it was so weird my mom asked me about how I was paying for things and then today I get a call from the bank asking if I had made some questionable purchases in Florida. Which I had not done.
Add that to my list of things I have to take care of before the show today. I am thankful that my bank was on it. Called me when two purchases that were weird had happened. GO BANK!!!!
It is weird to think someone was being me and buying things in Florida today. It makes you think about your relationship with money differently.
This book “You are a Badass at Making Money” by Jen Sincero has really been challenging my mindset but also my relationship with money, how I think about it and feel about the green stuff.

This episode is going to talk about:

You know when your gut gives you a direction but you don’t know why?
Ever been afraid to follow where your heart seems to be leading you?
Are you sure you should trust your gut? Has it ever led you astray?
When something is scary do you lean in and go for it or do you put your hands up and go the other direction?
Are you a Shark, a Tuna, or a Dolphin?

Tune in tomorrow to hear about how leaning into the scary parts has been rewarding and anxiety-ridden, but I am able to help more people by listening and leaning in, rather than throwing my hands up and walking away.

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