Our guest this week is De Ingles. She has been designing and running her business for over 20 years. The thing is she is always learning, she loves a challenge, and is an amazing researcher. I can’t wait to introduce you to her.
Do you know what you would do if a client came to you with an almost impossible request?
Do you know much about environmental packaging?
Do you know how to follow guidelines for packaging in multiple countries?
Would you shy away from these types of projects?
Do you like a good challenge?
If you love a good challenge, or if you love the environment, then you will love this episode. If you have thought about shifting your focus and honing in on a specific type of work this episode might help you as well.
Or listen here:
I have been working hard on a camp, a virtual camp. In all the conversations I have online and groups I am in, I know we all are looking for ways to attract the clients we align with and want to work with.
I hear people say they aren’t sure where to put their efforts. As a solopreneur myself, I wear a lot of hats. I know you do too. Sometimes I’ve feel overwhelmed, I know at times I am my own worst enemy and I need to adjust my mindset.
I know I need people around me, accountability, and community to do this with me. I have seen how community, accountability, consistent actions, even small changes made daily have ignited my business and my friends’ businesses.
I wanted to create something where we can learn together over the period of a month. At University we call this a Maymester or an accelerated program.
This Creatives Ignite Summer Camp will do just that. There are a few days to pick up a Happy Camper experience at the Day Camper price.
If you are ready to learn how to Reach your ideal audience, things to do to Retain these customers, and ways to break any hindering mindsets or limiting beliefs you have about your company or your skills and abilities.
Let’s join together to learn from speakers like Chris Do, Dustin Lee, Melinda Livsey, Michael Janda, Gay Hendricks, Bonnie Tsang, and many others. There are a total of 25 industry experts and thought leaders with a few extra bonuses thrown in for the Happy Campers.
You might want a little more, well then you are like me. Let’s commit to each other. If you are ready to do that then sign up for the Trail Blazer experience.
Follow De
Her website: http://www.sgraphix.com/
The store: https://shop.sgraphix.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/s_graphixstudio/
Instagram Store Account: https://www.instagram.com/sgs_merch/