This Week on the Podcast

font pairings with nikki villagomez

Font Pairings with Nikki Villagomez

This week we have our friend and past typography expert back on the show, Nikki Villagomez. She is a connoisseur of signs, manhole covers, anything typography you can find in your environment Nikki has probably taken photos of it. She began her mining of typography in 2011 while on trips and noticing how culture affects the designs she observes. Nikki wrote her first book Culture + Typography in 2015 and now has her next book in the series out and is called Font Pairings. We will dive into what she discovered with this book and get geeky as we talk

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This Week on the Podcast

font pairings with nikki villagomez

Font Pairings with Nikki Villagomez

This week we have our friend and past typography expert back on the show, Nikki Villagomez. She is a connoisseur of signs, manhole covers, anything typography you can find in your environment Nikki has probably taken photos of it. She began her mining of typography in 2011 while on trips and noticing how culture affects the designs she observes. Nikki wrote her first book Culture + Typography in 2015 and now has her next book in the series out and is called Font Pairings. We will dive into what she discovered with this book and get geeky as we talk

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About Design Recharge

Design Recharge is a weekly web show and podcast devoted to inspiring, connecting, and educating designers. It is a community where designers interact weekly about topics relevant to design and design business without leaving our offices and taking hours out of our work day. It is my goal to enable designers, illustrators, and typographers to connect with other designers, to grow their businesses, to be successful and more knowledgeable about design and the business of design.

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