Lost Episodes

Although it was terribly disappointing to lose these episodes and in the interest of all the guests who were interviewed during these times. I am going to include the names of the people interviewed, the episode titles, and the show descriptions below.

Unfortunately all episodes before November 28, 2012 are not available due to a technical issue with Spreecast (the platform I use for the show). They have successfully remedied the problem and have multiple back-up servers in place in case of a similar problem in the future.

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Design Methodologies:
Aired Wed, June 13, 2012. Episode 1
Ann Ford, Kim Spencer, and diane gibbs discuss the beginning stages of the design process.

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The Importance of Doodling and Sketching:
Aired Thurs, June 21, 2012. Episode 2
Alma Hoffmann and diane gibbs discuss the benefits of sketching and doodling for problem solving and memory retention.

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eBooks vs Print Books:
Aired Wed, June 27, 2012. Episode 3
Angela Patchell of vizebooks.com, Ann Ford, and diane gibbs discuss the changes in publishing today.

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Breaking Your Creativity Block:
Aired Wed, July 11, 2012. Episode 4
Noah Scalin of www.alrdesign.com reveals his best tips for breaking through a creative block.

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Negotiating the Job Offer:
Aired Wed, July 11, 2012. Episode 5
Elias Parker of Experientially, Vickie Gibbs of Albright Digital, and Meredith Padgett explain both sides of the hiring process. Designers can now better prepare for the negotiation procedure.

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Living Life as an Illustrator:
Aired Thurs, July 19, 2012. Episode 6
Jess Ruliffson talks about living and working as an illustrator in New York City. She gives insight to ways to get inspired, suggestions for mediums and many links to her comics and artwork.

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From Freelance to Full-time:
Aired Wed, July 25, 2012. Episode 7
Starting your own business, what you need to know and how to transition yourself from working for someone else to working for yourself.

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Staying Current with Technology, Media, & Trends:
Aired Wed, Aug 1, 2012. Episode 8
Brooke Scherer talked about how to stay current with regards to technology and design trends in our ever changing world. We are surrounded with new technology every year, whether it be new operating systems or Adobe upgrades. This episode talks about how to stay current and keep up with new technologies, mediums, and trends.

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Using Analogies to Explain Design:
Aired Wed, Aug 8, 2012. Episode 9
I use analogies to better explain design principles to clients in ways they understand. Using terminology that everybody understands (not design speak).

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Typography: Current Trends:
Aired Wed, Aug 15, 2012. Episode 10
Julie Spivey, Alma Hoffmann, and diane gibbs discuss everything from web typography to letterpress. Typography trends and technology as well as teaching how to think/design with type.

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Social Media: Is it Changing Our Clients’ Businesses?
Aired Wed, Aug 22, 2012. Episode 11
Johnny Gwin from Hummingbird Ideas, Mitch Jackson, and diane gibbs discuss the impact social media has on small businesses and how integral a part it plays in today’s relationship focused world.

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Q&A for Anyone Who is Starting Out in Graphic Design:
Aired Thurs, Aug 30, 2012. Episode 12
Johnny Gwin, Ann Ford, and diane gibbs answer questions that range from taxes, accounting, self promotion, and shared more great advice from their experience about starting out as a designer.

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Typography: What NOT to do:
Aired Thurs, Sept 6, 2012. Episode 13
Todd Duren and diane gibbs answer common questions about typographic mistakes and Todd presented his top ten list of frequently made typographic errors.

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User Experience:
Aired Wed, Sept 12, 2012. Episode 14
Clarke Scott and Rusty Mitchell and answer diane’s questions about their thoughts on UX and UI design. The design process as it relates to web design and mobile application design.

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The Dreaded “Fear of Failure”
: Aired Wed, Sept 19, 2012. Episode 15
Meaghan Dee shares her experiences as a designer overcoming the dreaded “fear of failure” by creating and sharing interesting and unique projects.

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Marius Valdes: Art & Design:
Aired Wed, Sept 26, 2012. Episode 16
Award winning illustrator and designer, Marius Valdes gives us insight into his Secret Species project as well as talks about his design process. See more of his work at www.zoovaldes.com

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Motivating Yourself & Motivating Others:
Aired Wed, Oct 3, 2012. Episode 17
diane gibbs talks about her strategies for motivating herself and her students. Mk Stevens, a solopreneur, speaks about how he motivates himself on a day to day basis.

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Live from Durham, NC @ SECAC:
Aired Thurs, Oct 18, 2012. Episode 18
A small insight into the annual Southeastern College Art Conference and what professors gett out of the sessions and collaborative times.

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Four Design the Student Design Center at VA Tech:
Aired Wed, Oct 24, 2012. Episode 19
An interview with Meaghan Dee the Professor who runs the student design center at Virginia Tech.

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Self Promotion & Your Online Presence:
Aired Wednesday, Oct 31, 2012. Episode 20
Jason Johnson of Tunnel Bravo shares how spending a little time marketing your work and promoting your design can result in clients at your door.

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How & Why Students Should Freelance:
Aired Thursday, November 8, 2012. Episode 21
Ben Hannam, author and Assistant professor at VA Tech, talks to us about when, why, & how students should start freelance.

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Hiring Tips: How to Land the Job:
Aired Wednesday, November 14, 2012. Episode 22
Greg Detter, VP of The Creative Group shares insight into the interview process and how to stand out.

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Nikki Villagomez // Culture + Typography:
Aired Wednesday, November 21, 2012. Episode 23
Nikki Villagomez shares how a “design swap” led to an investigation of the effects of culture on typography.

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