Episode 300. Aired Wednesday, June 5, 2019.
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Huge Praise this week. Tomorrow’s show with Jeremy Slagle marks the 300th episode and our 7 year anniversary. I could never have done it without the ever-organized and always encouraging Ashleigh Barkley.
Ashleigh does all the scheduling and all the talking me off the roof when I have been ready to throw in the towel. She has endlessly prayed for this community of people we are friends with and now feel like family. I am so so so blessed.
It also is the first week with an intern, Sarah Barnes! All kinds of goodness to be thankful for.
God has blessed me with so many incredible people on the show over the years. I have learned endless things from them. I appreciate everyone who gives me their lunch on Wednesdays and I hope you know how much it means to me to spend time with you every week.
Thank you for growing and learning with me, believing in me and the people on the show. And to my mama, thanks for coming to so many, unless you are playing bridge. 🙂
Let’s do another seven!!!!!
Ok, on to what this week is about!
This week I am stoked to have my friend, illustrator, designer, entrepreneur, and community builder, Jeremy Slagle. He is someone who is a huge inspiration to me. Then I learn something about him that makes his story even more powerful and more inspiring. When you don’t think that is possible, well guess what it is!
Here is what this episode is going to be about:
Have you ever wondered if you can go out on your own?
Do you struggle calling yourself a design firm when you feel like a lonely freelancer?
Do you struggle with imposter syndrome?
Are you self-taught in some area that now you are an expert at?
Have you had to rely on your faith in your God-given abilities and that He would provide even when no clients are knocking at the door?And we will talk about why Jeremy doesn’t like the word freelance.
Big thanks to Design Recharge’s new intern, Sarah Barnes who did all the graphics for the show this week.
Connect with Jeremy:
Connect with me by emailing me at diane@rechargingyou.com
Click here to learn more about The Design Recharge Pro Power Station