This week is about feedback and on Love on Designers I am challenging you to reach out to a mentor and share with them how much their work, their teaching, their life has impacted you. You have no idea how much they might need to hear that today.
And we will be talking about feedback, asking for it, receiving it, and giving it and all the stickiness in between. A few months ago I was trying to hire my friend Chris to do some work for me and from that conversation a lot of other conversations have sprouted.
Feedback is also hard to give, especially when you don’t know the person really well. It is difficult to know how the receiver will take it, what kinds of feedback they can handle. I think it’s important to understand their goals first, what they are trying to accomplish with the thing you are giving feedback on.
Chris Martin is a content producer and creativity coach who helps people unleash their creative fire by transforming imaginative ideas into tangible reality. He creates engaging and meaningful creative products, asks profound questions, and is a source of hope and encouragement to everybody he meets.
Or Listen here:
You can always join us for the live taping experience and be part of the community. Come a little early and introduce yourself in the chat, tell us where you are located in the world and say hey!
We start at 7:30pm GMT / 2:30pm ET / 11:30am PT / 9:30am in Hawaii on WEDNESDAYS.
Sign up at https://creativesignite.com/signup to get on the email list to get the link each week.
The Questions
- Chris, can you give everybody a little background about your start in design/video/podcasting/? How long you’ve been in business and what you do, who is your audience?
- Do you remember getting a lot of unsolicited feedback as a kid?
- What was your relationship with feedback 6 months ago?
- What about the relationship now? What made it change?
- Can we talk about me giving you feedback on your site because I wanted to work with you?
- What I have seen teaching and facilitating MasterMind Groups.
- When it has been hardest for you and hardest for me to give feedback? Receive feedback?
- How do we process feedback now?
- How do we give feedback now?
- What is next? How do we continually grow in regards to giving and getting feedback?
Follow Chris
Chris Martin Studios – https://www.chrismartinstudios.com
The Curiosity Lab – https://www.thecuriositylab.net
Getting Work To Work – https://gettingworktowork.com
Beyond Your Imagination with Chris Martin – https://byi.show
Social media
Twitter: https://twitter.com/buildcuriosity
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/cmstudios/
Love on Designers Week 4

This week we want you to reach out to someone you don’t know and tell them how their work / life has inspired you.
Create a Social Media post and tag them (and us) telling them how they have inspired or helped you.
Reach out to a mentor and let them know how much they have meant to you.
Send a card to someone you have looked up to, to their office. Do a little digging and find the address. And craft an incredible envelope to go with the card.
I hope you will join us as we lift up the design community this month and spread the love.
Here is how to enter to win one of the five giveaways this month:
GIVEAWAY TIME! Tag 2 friends in the comments to enter the drawing for some of my favorite drawing and painting tools, plus a few cards to send to friends and people who inspire you, postcards which you can hang in your office, and a few special surprise bonus items!
Five winners will be randomly selected. The each week I will post twice a week on instagram @designrecharge. One winner will be randomly selected from each week. To be entered to win all you have to do is:
- Follow @designrecharge.
- Comment and tag two friends to enter.
The last two weeks we will choose a person during the Feb 17th live show and during the Feb 24 live show. All you have to do is: - Come to the live show
- Comment during the show