Season 3.4: Episode 409.
Aired LIVE on March 30, 2022

Joanna Paola has been a designer then pivoted to brand strategy, and now is pursuing her fine art. We will talk about her journey and how she is seeing growth.
Many of us went to art school for design, but taking drawing classes isn’t always part of the curriculum. Did you take drawing or painting classes?
Have you been taking any art classes online? Do you make time for the art or have you let that slip away? Do you miss it?
Have you been pursuing different avenues of the creative industry only to return to art again and again?
We’ll find out how Joanna dove into taking art classes while running her studio.
I hope you’ll join us this Wednesday, March 30 at 7:30pm BST / 2:30pm EDT / 11:30am PDT / 8:30am in Hawaii. Sign up to get the link at
You can always join us for the live taping experience and be part of the community. Come a little early and introduce yourself in the chat, tell us where you are located in the world and say hey!
or Listen here:
Links: Instagram @joannapaolaart
Questions for Joanna
- Joanna, can you give everybody a little background about your start in design, running your agency, pivoting to brand strategy, and when you felt called to leave the field and pursue art full time?
- How would you have described your art/drawing skills before 2015? Did you always want to draw or paint?
- What was your mindset going into these drawing and painting classes? How did you work it into your busy schedule?
- In the last 10 years, what has been the biggest area of change in your life or business?
- What wasn’t fulfilling on the design or strategy side?
- What have processes or systems have you put in place that have helped you to turn off your designer brain and be able to create studies instead of having to try and create masterpieces? (iphone camera)
- Why did you not want to do the charcoal class / drawing class and like all of us, you wanted to get straight to the meat and dive into painting? What did you learn from taking the teacher’s advice and working on the drawing foundations?
- We are going to go through some of the pieces of your work that lead you to this point. (images shared here)
- You recently finished a painting in a style that isn’t your desired style to work in.
- First why even do a painting in a style that you don’t want to work in?
- Second what did you learn about your process when you hit a challenging spot?
- Why was working alone not enough for you? Why did you hire an artist mentor? What does she do for you?
- In the last 30 days have you been learning anything or working on any new habits related to your art?
- When did you start going deeper? What did going deeper feel like and look like for you?
- What is the thing you’ve learned about yourself in the last year, that has been most impactful to your art?
- What is next?