Patreon 30-day Beverage Challenge

Design Recharge Patreon Challenge

This month marks the first of three design challenges that come as a bonus for being a Design Recharge Patron.

Each day create drink packaging for a beverage of your choosing. Choose one theme to use for the packaging throughout the entire 30-day period. The goal is to push yourself to a new level with the theme you choose. Each post in this series does not have to look the exact same but you might create a template for each series, see my example. Or use a graphic that can be used on the post so that it is branded with your personal brand, use the hashtag #DesignRechargeBevs on each post everyday. I suggest posting these on three platforms. Especially if you are trying to acquire new leads.

If you are stuck, think of things you are passionate about, things you want to get better at, or things that you are already great at.

We will begin the week of May 20

If you can start May 20, that is great. If not start any day this week. Or if you want a fresh start, start on June 1.

I am using LIFEWTR as my brand. I got their logo from their site but lots of company logos are on the website Brands of the World (

Here is the write up about LIFEWTR and why I chose them. I think it is important to choose a brand that aligns with you or design your own brand. Hide something inside your design, easter eggs are always fun for the audience to try to find.

It is also great to show your ability to communicate in writing your concept and process. Share more than the finished product, share some process shots.

“LIFEWTR is a premium bottled water brand committed to advancing and showcasing sources of creativity. We believe inspiration is as essential to life as water, because it unleashes our creative potential. That’s why every few months we launch a new series of LIFEWTR bottled water focused on a unique aspect in art — putting the spotlight on three new emerging artists.”

This is their current series. Why not make your own series for your brand, or jump on the LIFEWTR brand and make your own series.

“LIFEWTR. Thirst Inspiration.®
Series 7: Art Through Technology

Technology is infiltrating our lives on all levels and in all fields. In today’s world, emerging digital technologies expand the meaning of art. A new generation of tech-savvy artists are harnessing tools like coding, data visualization, 3D printing and enhanced reality.

LIFEWTR is showcasing emerging artists that embrace these new technologies and are breaking codes using both the left and right sides of their brains through our
LIFEWTR Series 7 bottles: “Art Through Technology”

as found on

Last summer I did a similar challenge for 30 days. The only prompt was to design a skateboard deck and we had have a theme or something used in each piece for the entire time. I love envelopes, especially security envelopes. I decided to use a different envelope each day, I even included some graphics that come on the envelopes.

You may enjoy it so much that you will want to turn it into 100 days. This is something that will help you get seen, grow a following, and can lead to freelance work. Because we are doing this together it has more traction if we use the same hashtag #DesignRechargeBevs

Many of my friends and past guests have created mini-projects like this and has resulted in client jobs, freelance jobs, and full time positions. And it was all because of the commitment to a project like this.

In the beginning it might take you four hours per day. But towards the end as you hone your skill and craft, it might take you 30 minutes. Give it time to grow. You might feel like there is not enough time to do this with everything else you have on your plate. There will never be a better time than now, life only gets busier.

This project can help you explain what kind of designer you want to be, and what projects you want to do. If you are at a loss, start with creating a mood board of styles you would love to design. Find a template mock up on creative market or a free site and mock the bottle or can up every day.

Also think of a hashtag that will be uniquely yours for this project. And other hashtags that might be searched. A square format is suggested. 2000 x 2000px.


For the example images and project pdf become a patron at

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