Episode 410, Aired April 20, 2022. Season 4.1
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Super stoked to interview one of my favorite illustrators and one of my absolute favorite Skillshare teachers. I love Tom’s style, his detail, his simple shapes, his shading, really it is super super exciting for me to meet Tom. I literally ripped out some of Tom’s work from a magazine about 5 years ago and taped it to my wall.
I didn’t know who he was but it was worthy of my wall and I ripped it out of a magazine. There are so many things that Tom does that I admired. And then I went searching for him and found he was teaching on Skillshare. Then I started consuming.
As a teacher, I was able to see how he was engaging me, inspiring me, and educating me all in one. This is not an easy feat, remember I have ADHD. I go through some online classes and think I can NEVER do that. But with Tom, he had advice that I felt I could implement.
I am hoping I don’t get too excited and I hope you will join me. If you are a fan or aren’t sure who he is, show up, you won’t be disappointed. He is down to earth and a great person!
The Questions
- Tom, can you give everybody a little background about your start in design and illustration?
- How far into your career did you think you had developed a style? Do think it is constantly evolving?
- When did you start teaching on skillshare? Were you in the height of lots of client inquiries or was it at a lull or was it something that helped you get noticed?
- How has teaching changed you as an illustrator? Has it pushed you to develop more styles or techniques? What keeps you teaching?
- In the last 10 years what have processes or systems have you put in place that have helped you grow as an illustrator? As a teacher?
- In the last 30 days have you been learning anything or working on any new habits related to your illustration or your role as an entrepreneur?
- When do you developing different styles? Can you walk us through your process of learning and experimenting with a different style?
- Is there a challenge you would encourage a budding illustrator to take that would help them get a jump start on creating a style and not get frustrated in the early stages of their career?
- Besides teaching on Skillshare have you used your illustration skills to create passive income? How often do you release new courses? Are you teaching things people keep asking you about or are you teaching things you had to learn the hard way and wish someone had taught you?
- What is the thing you’ve learned about yourself in the last year, that has been most impactful to your life and business?
- What is next?
Episode 410
I hope you’ll join us this Wednesday, April 20 at 7:30pm BST / 2:30pm EDT / 11:30am PDT / 8:30am in Hawaii. Sign up to get the link at https://creativesignite.com/signup
You can always join us for the live taping experience and be part of the community. Come a little early and introduce yourself in the chat, tell us where you are located in the world and say hey!
Follow Tom
Teaching: https://Tomfroese.com/teaching
Instagram: @mrtomfroese https://instagram.com/mrtomfroese
YouTube: https://youtube.com/tomfroese