Be the Qualifier or be Qualified // Henry Kaminski Jr.

Episode 354 Aired Wednesday, August 19, 2020.


School started this week and I am still a little behind. I like to have everyday planned out. Are you like that?

Or do you go with the flow?

I have it planned out so I can focus on my design business, the podcast, the PowerStation (mastermind group), and other ways to serve you (like camp).

I am always adding to lectures from things I learn each week. But having a clear outline and plan actually gives me a lot of relief to have that part of my life / work planned out so tightly.

It gives me space to explore and grow. Space to dream because the days are planned, I know what I have to do and prep for each week. I have the projects already written out, but I always leave room for the unknown. Room to be flexible. Thankfully, this helps me when things like COVID hits. It allows me to pivot quickly.

Do you tell people your prices or wait to see what they will pay? Are you waiting for others to validate you or do you get your validation from yourself? Are you waiting for someone to see the value you bring to the team? Or are you telling the team/client how they can utilize your strengths? Are you the Qualifier or are you waiting to be qualified?

I am excited to introduce my friend Henry Kaminski Jr on the show. Henry spoke at camp and had quite an impact. He is a masterful storyteller and helps companies get to the level they dream of. He is going to talk about how he found value in himself after years of waiting to be qualified and validated. I can’t wait to see you at this LIVE Design Recharge.

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Henry Kaminski Jr // Be the Qualifier or the Qualified

diane gibbs: [00:00:00] Hey, everybody. Welcome to another episode of design recharge. This is episode 354. in eight years I’ve never met anybody like Henry and I’m so pumped to get him on here. He was at camp. If you were at camp, it’s not  a repeat. We’re going to talk, we’re going to dig a little deeper, but if you don’t know, Henry has a podcast and you guys should listen to it.

[00:00:21] He has a YouTube and I’m going to share it. He is like delivering gold all the time and he’s amazing at content creation and Hey mom. 

[00:00:28]  if you were sleepy, you will not be sleepy after this. Cause Henry brings the energy, his, animal that he was like is a pit bull.

[00:00:36] Henry. Thank you so much for being here. I just so appreciate you.

[00:00:40] Henry Kaminski Jr.: [00:00:40] Anything for you? D,

[00:00:41] diane gibbs: [00:00:41] okay. All right. we’re going to jump in cause I know we got a lot to tell us.  I want you to give everybody a little bit of your background about how you came into design when you started your business.

[00:00:51] And then I’ll ask some more questions about that. 

[00:00:54] Henry Kaminski Jr.: [00:00:54] it was, it’s been a blessing. It’s honestly a blessing in disguise. I don’t have any formal education in design. Literally learned that off the streets.  I was working at a hospital right out of college that it took forever to get a job as I, I graduated college, right when 9/ 11 hit.

[00:01:09] So like nobody was hiring and everything was

[00:01:11] Communications as I like to talk. I was like, I’m going to get a degree in something that I’m good at. So even back then, I was focusing on my strengths. So I got a job at a local hospital with the help of my uncle who was very influential at the establishment and worked my way up.

[00:01:27] Like he didn’t give me any, he got me in the door, but he didn’t really didn’t get me. Anything other than that, And so I worked my way up. I was checking insurances in the same day surgery center.  I was cleaning coffee pots.  I said, you know what, this sucks. I gotta figure something else out.

[00:01:42] So I, the hospital, was giving out those higher education programs where they would pay my master’s. So I got my master’s degree. I was always one of those guys. To like never lay down and get comfortable. So I was like, get my master’s degree. Now I’m going to apply and drive everybody nuts at the hospital.

[00:01:59] Because now that I have a master’s degree at age 23, I’m going to apply for every director position that pops open. And the problem with that was, yeah, you have an education, but you have, I have no experience. So sorry, Henry. We can’t hire you. So I just dug and dug. And finally, I find this position in the children’s hospital that was rewarding.

[00:02:20] It was a sudden infant death syndrome center, which is a very horrible thing. If you don’t know what SIDS is, it’s when a baby dies under the age of one, just suddenly and unexpectedly with no cause. And what the position was you were responsible to create fundraising events. For the F the program and then take that money and create support events for the families in New Jersey that lost a baby to SIDS.

[00:02:43]So it was a tear jerking position, but I was like, I could really use my creativity here  and really put it to work. I went full speed into that. I started to get good at event design and event planning. So I was getting these big sponsorships. One was Z 100 from the radio station here in New York and they sponsored one of my events. And so I needed promotional materials. I needed marketing materials to make this thing like huge.

[00:03:08]And I didn’t know what graphic design was. My buddy was a graphic designer. He was like, come over, I’ll do the flyers for you, your posters design and all that stuff. So I’m sitting down with them on a Sunday morning and Holy crap, this is design. This is like playing God. you can create anything in Photoshop.

[00:03:24]So I’m sitting there and I’m like, I need to learn this stuff. this is amazing. this is awesome. So we do the event. It was awesome. and I go back to my boss that I was like, you know what, maybe you should buy Photoshop for me so we can, I can do all of the invites them and not have to pay for it anymore.

[00:03:40]And they were like, I’m in. So I sold them on that and I started to do that. All the invites and all the promotional stuff. I was horrible of course, cause I didn’t know what I was doing, but I started to practice. I would go home and go to four in the morning. I lived in this little tiny apartment. I barely had any furniture at a bar stool with a laptop that wasn’t even mine.

[00:04:00] It was the hospital’s. And I would literally design in Photoshop with my finger and just practice. Days and weeks and months at a time. And finally, I started to get a little bit better and I started just putting myself out there. Like I would send out 300 emails a day, like in the, so I was a big nightclub guy back in the day, if you can’t tell.

[00:04:22]So I would go out to the nightclubs a lot and. Flyer designs for the night clubs were huge back then. And my buddy who designed me, my flyer, he was a club promoter. So he introduced me to other promoters and he was like,  maybe you should use Henry. Cause I’m getting too busy. So he started introduced me to a couple of promoters and then I started getting a little bit of business.

[00:04:43] Now I was getting paid like 50 bucks a design back then.

[00:04:46] diane gibbs: [00:04:46] And you’re still working full time? This is just on the side, right ?

[00:04:49] Henry Kaminski Jr.: [00:04:49] during the design work. And then what happened was 2008, hit economic disaster hospital starts tightening up.  they start shrinking my position and hours. They won’t fire me, but they’re like squeezing me to see how far they can take me.

[00:05:04]And finally they said, Henry, January one, 22, 2009. if you stay here, you’re going to be somebody’s secretary. Other than that, it’s up to you if you want to leave. And I was just stuck and I was like, I don’t know what to do with it. He gave me a month to decide what I wanted to do, which was nice.

[00:05:20]But, I went to my uncle, I went to my father, I went to my girlfriend, who’s now my wife and was like, what do I do? And the one thing I, we talked about this a hundred times, I went to my uncle cause he got me that position at the hospital. I said, you know what? It. It’s probably makes sense to just consult with them.

[00:05:35]And I told them what was going on. And he said, and he has a big constructor. Is your company big highway construction company. All my cousins work for him. So it’s it’d be like, be a part of the family business. So I said, uncle Joe, maybe I come work for you,  And it’d be like a project manager or something.

[00:05:49] And he’s Henry, what do you know about construction? He’s I just want to be honest with you. Like we’re heavy highway construction. Like your cousins, they all went to school for that stuff. what would you do here? He’s I don’t want to put you behind a shovel because you’re a sharp kid, but I don’t know what to do with you.

[00:06:03]But he said, however, let me talk it over with my daughter. Let me talk it over with my VP. Let me see if, let me just at least see if there’s

[00:06:10] diane gibbs: [00:06:10] something. And did he know you were doing these other, like the side business and doing this? Okay.

[00:06:14] Henry Kaminski Jr.: [00:06:14] Yeah, he did. Yeah, he did. Cause I told them, I said, I got this little side hustle.

[00:06:18]It’s doing well, but I don’t know if it’s going to sustain like a lifestyle or a family. I don’t know if this is going to go, could put next month. Like I just don’t know. So he never got back to me and Todd, like just picture a huge like hour glass sitting on your desk slowly tipping over ticking away.

[00:06:35] As we got closer to the end of the year and never got back to me. And finally I said, I think I know what the answer is. So that was the push, that I needed to just spread my wings and fly. And I did. And the first year I GRA I did graphic design just as a freelance designer. I made $248,000 over quarter of a million dollars  by myself.

[00:07:00]And so that when I went to my accountant and I had to do my taxes, they were like, Henry, do you know what you did this year? And I said, yeah, no, I just been so busy. I, I don’t even have time to spend my money.  But, It was crazy. And then that really gave me the confidence to just go.

[00:07:14] So 24 months after that I made a million bucks and then it was just every 36 months I would make another million and I just kept going and I’m going on my 14th year.

[00:07:26] diane gibbs: [00:07:26] Okay. So then we got to break this down, cause this is a. Super exciting too, to not know. And you’re just working. You’re worried maybe.

[00:07:33] And that’s why you’re working so much, or I know you and you don’t quit. You just start to work and you’re busy. 

[00:07:39] Henry Kaminski Jr.: [00:07:39] but

[00:07:39] diane gibbs: [00:07:39] how does somebody going from working at a hospital full time, doing side gig, it’s a mental shift. You have to say, Hey, I’m putting it all in. I’m calling people. I’m doing things that are uncomfortable, but I got to do it because.

[00:07:52]I’m not gonna fail at this.

[00:07:55] Henry Kaminski Jr.: [00:07:55] here’s the thing, right? It’s like one of the things that I said, when I remember walking into my home office the first day, I didn’t have to report to the hospital. I still remember that day. Like it was yesterday. I was wearing sweat pants, but I said to myself, Henry, yeah, we’ll treat the day as if you were going into a regular office.

[00:08:16]Wow. So at 12 noon, every single day, I broke for lunch at 10 50. So I modeled what I was doing at the hospital at home. 10, 15:00 AM like clockwork. I would stop working, go get a snack. Walk to the water cooler, if you will, which was my kitchen, Go to lunch at three o’clock. I would break again, go out for a quick walk or something.

[00:08:38]So I had that structure from corporate that I brought into freelance that helped a lot. Keep me together.  because it’s really easy to turn on Netflix, what wasn’t Netflix at the time, but it’s really easy to start playing video games. and not, do what needs to be done to run a business.

[00:08:55]diane gibbs: [00:08:55] but how did you know what needed to be done to run a business? It was that stuff you’d got from communications. Was it stuff that you do? You know what I mean? 

[00:09:02] Henry Kaminski Jr.: [00:09:02] good question. It was, it came. I didn’t know what the hell I was doing, Diane. The reason why I work so hard. And we talked about this privately, the reason why I worked so hard is because I spent every nickel that I would earn.

[00:09:15]So I didn’t have,  I couldn’t afford not to work. Okay. So every penny that came in, went right out because I come from humble beginnings, I don’t. I never had a lot. I never was homeless or anything like that. People had worse stories off than me, but when I came into some of my own money, like I was like, Live in high on the hog.

[00:09:35]And I had this chip on my shoulder, Joe, not getting back to me,  for all my cousins who pooing on me because I was a designer and not working for the business or, they would see things that I would do and they would, it would create this resentment right between us and I was just so hungry to prove to everybody that I’m going to make it somehow some way I’m going to make it.

[00:09:58]And then that’s where a lot of that work ethic came from. I was always working. My father had me working when I was 13, so I wasn’t afraid to get out there and. Push a wheelbarrow or mow a lawn or push carts at the supermarket.

[00:10:13] diane gibbs: [00:10:13] He had two jobs. He was doing other things. He was helping people. He was definitely a problem solver.

[00:10:18] You saw this, it was modeled to you. You lived with your dad. He was he’s your hero, right? And he worked, always had a job, but he always was entrepreneurial.

[00:10:29] Henry Kaminski Jr.: [00:10:29] Always it’s always, so he would, he was a shop steward at ups, so he was a mechanic there. That was his full time gig.

[00:10:36] That’s what gave him the benefits to support us. But then he would do oil changes and like tune-ups for his friends and,  on the weekends, We would go up to Pennsylvania. He had this little cabin that he was building on his own because he’s very handy guy. He still is. And we would go up there on the weekends and we would fricking mow lawns.

[00:10:52] We would mow once in the morning and then he would continue building his house in the afternoon. so we were always working. So we always had a knot in his pocket and he always had money. But the thing with my father is he’s a depressions baby. So he grew up in the depression. He was born in 42.

[00:11:07] So you know, his parents, my mom, there you

[00:11:10] diane gibbs: [00:11:10] go. I heard his name call out there, mom. But

[00:11:12] Henry Kaminski Jr.: [00:11:12] so they, so it was,  he still has the first nickel that he earned.  And when I saw that, so I was the kid that did the opposite of that, what his parents did except for my mom. I think my mom was, God bless her soul.

[00:11:25]she gave me my personality.  But there was a lot of things that she did that I did not like the way she treated people. She didn’t treat people really well. So she ran through friends. Like I run through underwear, and and I was like, I’m not going to do, I’m not going to be that type of person.

[00:11:40] And then there was my dad who didn’t have a lot of friends, but he was very. Methodical in the way he thought. And he was very strategic in the way he thought. And he was really good in the Gaucher rating. Like he was a teamster in the union. So he was, yeah. These crazy negotiation skills that I would pick up on and I would leverage in business.

[00:11:58] And whenever I had like a business question, I would go to him and he would help me maneuver and negotiate the deal a little bit. Not that we’re talking big money and it was a couple of hundred bucks back then. But

[00:12:08]diane gibbs: [00:12:08] you told me a story about, there was this woman who, I think she was a single mom or she was single and he would do her oil change and he would contact her.

[00:12:16] And he was also, you didn’t realize it, but he was teaching you about relationships. She didn’t have to go to your dad, but he made it convenient and he was there. He, she could trust him that it right. You want to tell him that story?

[00:12:29] Henry Kaminski Jr.: [00:12:29] Yeah, he would. He was. Like he’s a big guy, right? So like when he’s in your, he was much better.

[00:12:37] You’re back then he lost about 150 pounds. So he’s small now, but he’s tall. But when he was tall and big people used to call him the Iceman because he. Like Robert, Kuklinski just Google the ice, man. I’m not going to get into that story, but he’s from New Jersey. we’re not too proud of it, but they used to call him the ice.

[00:12:53]He looked like the ice man, because like he would come in and he just had this giant presence about him. And when you were around him, you felt comfortable, you felt safe,  You felt protected and. he used that to his advantage quite a bit, nobody was gonna mess with big gang,  Because, he was just not somebody you mess with. And, I think,  he taught me a lot about that. and again, we talk about this privately, as I evolved my business to what it is today,  I had this conversation recently with, on an interview on a podcast interview, like. How does Henry want to be remembered?

[00:13:26] when he’s long gone or after you’ve worked with them. and here’s what I work for every day, when somebody spends their money on me and my team, I want them to feel confident in their investment. I want them to feel like. If we had to go to war and I was in their foxhole with them that like they’re coming out alive.

[00:13:46]I might not, but they’re coming out alive. And that was like past I, as I think about it, that was down from like how my father, raised me and how he treated other people. And honestly, I, this is just really starting to come to me today, like right now present time, because I was like, where did that come from?

[00:14:05]and so now I I, I. That’s how I want to be remembered. I want to be somebody that you could count on. I want to, when you sign, when you are in Henry’s presence, You’re okay. And you’ll and you will be okay. Yeah. And  that’s and we talk about branding, right?

[00:14:19]that’s the brand that I’m building and have been building for myself self for you. Okay. Quite some time now. And, I’m really seeing it start to pay dividends now in my 14th, going on 14th year because I’m really, my actions match my words. It wasn’t always like that. And I’ll just be honest with you.

[00:14:37]It wasn’t

[00:14:37] diane gibbs: [00:14:37] and, but here’s the thing you’re able to admit it and we’re able to move on the people when you aren’t taking any blame, you will never grow. I don’t think. And it’s a hindrance,  mario is here. He says, Hey. And  wants to know what’s been the toughest lesson? You learn in your career and how has it changed you?

[00:14:56]Henry Kaminski Jr.: [00:14:56] Oh, man. It’s how to treat people.  that was the biggest lesson. And I’ll tell the story again.  I started to change my pricing probably three or four years ago. And I started to raise all my prices and charge a premium, but my processes and systems weren’t in  the way they are today.

[00:15:13]Cause I was going through some growing pains. So I was charging people a premium, but I wasn’t delivering premium work. Okay. And I remember being so frustrated because it’s not like I wanted to do crappy work. I just didn’t have a system in place to deliver great work. So I would get frustrated because clients would come to me disgruntled and I would push the blame on them.

[00:15:34] you’re just a pain in the neck client. This isn’t me.  Like it’s not my fault. And I started to build up this resentment and like every project I would take on would go to hell in a hand basket and I’m there, forget it. I’m having dinner with one of my best friends, my best friend who taught me graphic design.

[00:15:50]And I was telling him what was going on. And he looked at me dead in the face and he says, Henry. They call me junior. I don’t think you even know that, but my nickname’s jr. He’s like June. What makes you think you can treat people like that?

[00:16:02] diane gibbs: [00:16:02] Wow.

[00:16:02] Henry Kaminski Jr.: [00:16:02] And that’s

[00:16:03] diane gibbs: [00:16:03] real friend though.

[00:16:04] Henry Kaminski Jr.: [00:16:04] You? Yes, absolutely. He said, what makes you think you can treat people like that?

[00:16:09]And I go, I don’t know, but that’s something I need to explore. And so that’s when I got into personal development and I started working on myself. So to answer Mario’s question, the biggest thing that  was how I treated people. And in my head, I thought I was treating everybody. but it wasn’t like what I thought of myself was very different than how other people thought of me and it, and my wife, my, we were just talking about this the other day at dinner.

[00:16:37]My wife said, because I have this big project going on right now in my backyard. And it’s about the same amount of investment as somebody would spend. on my business. I’d like, yeah, hiring me. So this has been such a great learning resp responsive, experience because I’ve spent a lot of money on personal development and mentorship and things like that.

[00:16:58]But I don’t think I’ve spent this kind of money, like in a lump sum. It’s always been like over a course of a year, right? But this was like out of pocket high five years, Whoa. And I started to see like how I was reacting and I was like, Henry, do you want clients like this? Like you’re out on your deck, looking over, watching every paver go down.

[00:17:20]Do you want people doing that to you when you’re doing your work with your team? Now here’s how I said that to myself though. I said, Henry, I know why you’re doing this. You’re not micromanaging them. You’re not going to tell them where to put that paper. Cause they know where to put it. But Henry, I know why you’re out here on the deck.

[00:17:34]You love build stuff, even if you’re the one building it. I know why you’re out here. You’re out here because you like to see progress. That’s why you’re out here. My wife, I was in the bed. So we have a third, we have two floors, So I’ll go in my bedroom because we’re super high and I’ll look out my window.

[00:17:50] And I got like a bird’s eye view of the whole project. And I just find myself standing there for half an hour watching them work. And I’m like, so appreciative of their work, but I’m like I told my dad the other day, I’m like, They’re moving like 600 pound blocks. I would never be able to do that in a million years.

[00:18:04] God bless him to know how to do this stuff. But that was some of the things. But one of the things that my wife said to me was like, now, you know what? It’s to pay a lot of money for something. And have the, because there was, it’s been like one of those things like this week has been this week has been like grind week for them because we have a big party gone down on Saturday.

[00:18:23] So is it going to be done on time? And so that’s the big thing. And so we’re all on the air

[00:18:28] diane gibbs: [00:18:28] with that too. Exactly. Finished stuff. We got to finish it. We got to stay up late. We got to do whatever. 

[00:18:33] Henry Kaminski Jr.: [00:18:33] So like now it’s like crunch time and it’s like, how are you going?

[00:18:36] What’s going to happen if it’s not done now, mind you, I see a huge turn being made right. As of today,  it looks like everything is going to be buttoned up on Friday and everybody’s going to be happy. Yeah. But I started freaking out. So if you go to my social media, like from today, let’s go back say a week, you’re going to see a lot of content about me talking about.

[00:18:55]Be the client you wish to attract. It taught me a lot. And so luckily I have a really great relationship with my brother in law who was doing this work and we sat down one day and I said, I gotta tell you. Yeah.  I want to give you some feedback. I know you’re just starting those businesses, Gannon, as a client and customer, I want to give you some feedback that you probably couldn’t even pay for.

[00:19:14]And I gave him some feedback and right away, the next day he came to work and. The way he talked to me the way he updated me, the way he did things was very different from prior. And I was like, wow, he’s getting it. And I just didn’t want to come across as the guy that’s knows it all. And just because you have a business, I didn’t want to be that guy.

[00:19:32]So I explained it to them in a way. I was like, dude, I want to see your business. Do awesome. I want to see you get big projects like this over and over again. so it taught me a lesson, be the client that you wish to attract. If you’re going to pay, if you’re going to charge a premium for your service, then you better be ready to pay a premium for a service.

[00:19:51]Because one of the lessons that I learned as I was being coached in business was. How did you expect us for somebody to pay 50 grand for a project? If you yourself wouldn’t pay 50 grand for any project, nevermind. A project like the one you’re selling.

[00:20:08]So I had stopped somebody in their tracks on social media, not too long ago, I was doing a live stream and I said, What are you charging for your service? They were like 10 grand. I said, would you buy your service for 10 grand? And they point blank carapace was like, no, I wouldn’t. And I go, what?

[00:20:24]So there’s my point. I said, I think that’s where we’re running into some problems here, because the way you’re marketing, the way you’re positioning, the way you present yourself online, subconsciously you don’t even know you’re doing it.  If you wouldn’t buy your service for 10 grand, I would anybody.

[00:20:39]it’s a great way to check yourself. It’s a great question by Paul here. How do you learn how to see yourself from other’s point of view, as it is the key to differentiation? Wow. What a great question. And, I’ve worked with Chris Do now one-on-one for many, we’re going on three years.

[00:20:53]And the one thing that he keeps saying to me,  when we have our sessions is the level of self awareness you have is beyond anybody that I’ve ever coached. So to pause, to answer Paul’s question self-awareness and being able to. Strip away your ego and face humanity, like really be humbled by who it is.

[00:21:16] You really are. I got to share with you before we run out of time.

[00:21:19] I want to share with you guys something that. So I’m a big documentary guy. if I turn on Netflix since sit down and watch Netflix, like I’m watching a successful person’s bio or right.

[00:21:29]this is what I watch on Netflix. I’m not watching and like game of Thrones. Watching a documentary last night with Jim Carey. Some people love Jim Carrey. Some people hate this guy because he’s a lot. He’s a lot, but man, I literally had the push stop and play like 15 times to up. Sure. What he said, you said in some point in your life, when you create yourself to make it.

[00:21:51]And B sucks and to become successful, you’re going to have to either let that creation go and take a chance on being loved or hated for who we are, or you’re really going to have to kill it, who you really are and fall into your grave. Grasping on to a character that you never were.

[00:22:11] diane gibbs: [00:22:11] Wow.

[00:22:12] Henry Kaminski Jr.: [00:22:12] I was almost in tears when I heard that, because I was like, Whoa, was that deep.

[00:22:19]And to how many people struggle with this?

[00:22:22] diane gibbs: [00:22:22] Yeah, it’s hard to put yourself out there and really be you because people will, some people will not like you. And I have students, I had a kid last year, the year before, since she left my class crying every day and I’m like, damn, that’s rough.

[00:22:37] but it hurt, And I was like, at first I was defensive, but really, I don’t want anybody to feel like that, but I know that I won’t, everybody’s not going to be on, I’m not going to be for everybody and I think when you start wearing your shoes, man, it makes you feel better about.

[00:22:54]You just feel better because the people who do like you will surround you and now, they really like

[00:22:59] Henry Kaminski Jr.: [00:22:59] it’s it. you’re going to like yourself more,  And to answer Chris’s fancier Chris’s question. was it Jim and Andy? Yes. It’s Jim and Andy. That’s that was the documentary.

[00:23:08]It was him playing the role of, Andy Kaufman  when they, when he made that movie and Holy macro, did he get into character? And I think he took the character, in my opinion, I can’t even say this. He took the character so far where like you wanted to kill him at  at the end of the day, like he was so over the top, like the producer of the movie was like, I just want to talk to Jim.

[00:23:29]I guess Jim around and he was not, he completely got and he’s talks about it in the documentary where, when he was done filming that movie, he went into the, one of the deepest depressions because he felt he lost who he was as Jim Carrey. He didn’t know who Jim Carrey was. Cause he was so engulfed in Andy being Andy.

[00:23:46] and he said it was like a vacation from Jim. And he was like, I went so far, I forgot who Jim was. And man, that paragraph that I just read to you just touched me in so many ways because, I remember sacrificing a lot in the beginning, and it sucked so bad. Like my wife has been with me.

[00:24:05]Since  my first business card, she has been with me long before the money. And I remember literally seeing her four hours a day and it was in and she was sleeping and that was three years of our lives together. Like it wasn’t three weeks.  And I think people forget that part.

[00:24:24] And so that’s what really resonated with me a lot because to this day am creating this successful Henry and creating successful Henry comes with a lot of sacrifice. I do things and say things that piss a lot of people off. And unfortunately I’m done being apologetic about it. I’m turning 40 this year and I keep promising myself.

[00:24:47] I’m not living my next 40, the way I lived my first 40. And. People are going to talk. People are going to say things, when, and regardless of what you do. So you might as well do it anyway. Cause here’s another Carrie said, which just grabbed me. You can fail at what you don’t love. So you might as well fail at what you do love.

[00:25:07]Cause he said he had his father and he got very emotional when he was talking about his father. His father was a great saxophone player. He was a funny guy too. Like I think that’s where he got a lot of his humor from, and, his grandpa. So Jim’s grandfather would always like put poo his dad. So finally his dad crumbled and said, you know what, I’m just going to go play it safe and become an accountant.

[00:25:29]And he became an accountant and he hated it. 

[00:25:32] diane gibbs: [00:25:32] And you chose it because it was safe, Instead of taking that risk.

[00:25:35] Henry Kaminski Jr.: [00:25:35] And here’s why, what happens when he was 51 years old, he gets laid off. So now he fails at what he doesn’t even love to do. That’s a lot harder. Let’s put this into perspective.

[00:25:47]That’s a lot harder than failing at something that you love to do. And you could see, Jim welling up when he’s telling this story and I’m welling up, listen into it because I could have been as dad. Yeah. It could have been his dad  and I took that leap of faith and man, just the sacrifice and getting punched in your face a thousand times.

[00:26:11]By disgruntled clients saying one thing and doing another and having to refund $40,000 in one day, doing all these things that would decimate the average person. I keep getting back up, keep getting back up.

[00:26:27] diane gibbs: [00:26:27] Yeah. It’s not how many times you fall. It’s how many times you get back up.

[00:26:31] Henry Kaminski Jr.: [00:26:31] Yeah. So I get,  you could see me, but now I got a three year old son, like what do I want him to see?

[00:26:38]that’s what keeps me going We talk about this a lot. Like he’s going to be Googling my name. Soons, he’s going to be watching videos and listening to podcasts. Like everything I put out, like it’s funny. A lot of the things that I’ve been putting out personally,

[00:26:53]I’ve been thinking in my head like when Dante watches this video. It’s going to be a life lesson for him. So I’m literally building an encyclopedia Britannica online for him so that when he does come online and he does start to watch my stuff, like the blueprint is going to be laid out for him, like long after I’m gone.

[00:27:13] That’s the beauty of what I do now. And so who’s reaping the benefits. it’s not just him. It’s everybody that’s watching this broadcast right now. It’s everybody that follows me on social media. It’s like when I go, people are going to remember me somehow. And that’s how I want them to remember me.

[00:27:31] the biggest thing I want to get, I want everybody to get to that in this conversation is you can’t just talk about it. You have to do it, right? that’s where I struggled the most in business. And in my personal life, Dave was when I talked a big game, but I didn’t play that game. And what happens when you do that?

[00:27:49] Like on an athletic field, you lose.

[00:27:52] when  did everything start to change? And when did I start to win was when I pictured myself winning in my head and said, Oh, in order to win, we’re going to have to do this and this. And then without. batting an eye or skipping a beat.

[00:28:07]I went out into the field and I did it. That’s how I win. That’s how you win. You don’t think of it in your head. And go out there and just think, no, you go out there and you do it.  one of the things that I love about Jim Carey’s topic of compensation is he wrote that $10 million check to himself.

[00:28:24]When he was a little kid, he wanted a bike and he said, I want this bike and I want it to look like this and I want it right. And within a couple of months, that bike showed up for him. so everything that I’ve been doing over the past 36 months, cause it’s really the past 36 months that everything is really just changed for me.

[00:28:43]I saw it all. I saw it all happening. Like I saw it in dreams. I saw it in my thought, like I saw it all now. It’s just playing out in reality, This house that I live in, the cars that I drive, the vacations that I go on, the people that I meet, it’s all coming to reality because I’m thinking it. But my also I’m also saying, okay, I’m thinking it, that’s one part of the puzzle.

[00:29:06]Now you actually got to move those puzzle pieces and connect them. And that’s what I’m doing now. And that’s why I’m seeing the results that I’m seeing. And I think just a lot of people don’t. Don’t do that extra. Don’t do the half that counts. They just they’ll plan for five months.  they’ll take every course.

[00:29:25]They’ll go, they’ll show up on every freaking,  work,  team meeting and Facebook group and this and that. But when you ask them to do it, I got every excuse in the book not to, and I’m just. I got, I don’t know what to say to them. I don’t know what the same, I don’t,  I just don’t. And so I just want to, I just want to inspire people to, if you want to live a life, if you want to design a life that you’re proud of, if you want to design a business, you’re proud of you have to plan it out, which a lot of you guys are good at, but then you have to do it.

[00:29:54]I don’t get to meet Diane Gibbs right through Chris Do and be on the show  by not putting myself out there and that energy out there to make that happen. You got this. What I’ve experienced in 14 years of owning this business. Didn’t happen by chance. It didn’t happen by coincidence. I willed it into existence because I was able to put myself in positions,  Track did that. And I go on tangents, but.

[00:30:23] diane gibbs: [00:30:23] Okay. So here’s one thing  you did self investigation and you really started digging on what you needed to do to get to the next level, to feel differently about the things that you were doing. And one of them was that, and I think.

[00:30:38] when you talked about this at camp or when we’ve talked before, it’s that a lot of times we are waiting to have a conversation with somebody that we deem as important or a client that we want to have to validate that we are good, And that’s the whole reason we called it. Be the qualified.

[00:30:54] Are you waiting to be qualified or are you now the qualifier? And there’s two ways to think about this.  you can now start qualifying your clients or you are qualifying yourself that I am worth the $10,000 that somebody would pay that I would also pay. So I don’t think coming out of the gate, you can be $10,000 logo person.

[00:31:14]Me neither, but it’s not saying that you can’t, but you do need to know your worth. If you never talked to anybody, any other designers, if all you hang out with is people who don’t build the same things as you and you don’t have really real friendships, then nobody’s going to tell you what they would pay and what they would try to charge.

[00:31:32]And sometimes you have to go out on a limb and say, you know what? I think I’m worth this. I’m going to put it out there. It is scary because it feels, for me, it feels Mario and I had this conversation about camp. Okay. And I hope Mario is okay with me sharing this. But anyway, he’s Diane, we’re talking about pricing.

[00:31:48] And I was like, I wanted to have it, have a price. And he’s a lot of people are doing free things right now. And I was like, yeah, I was really cool.  clear on I wasn’t on the fence about it, but I had, I was like, no, I want to charge something. And it wasn’t that I wanted to make a ton of money because I did profit sharing.

[00:32:05] I w I really it’s about loving more people for me. I have to make money too, but it wasn’t about that for me. and so I said, but I have bought many things that I have not attended, but if it is a price that I. Because I felt like we were making something that could change people and help people.

[00:32:24]I wanted to make it at a price where it would be a little

[00:32:28] Henry Kaminski Jr.: [00:32:28] bit yeah. Steam fault.

[00:32:29] diane gibbs: [00:32:29] Yes, they did not. If they did not come  that would not be a normal thing, that they are just throwing $349 at the window or that they’re not just throwing $200 out the window. Yeah. And, or even a hundred dollars.

[00:32:41]But the majority of the people came at the $200 price

[00:32:46] and

[00:32:46] diane gibbs: [00:32:46] because they were there, aye. They came, they showed up. Now maybe they’re still doing the lessons and that’s totally thanks. It was a lot of lessons. I realized it was a lot of work, a lot of things to get through. And Henry’s the second to last day if anybody’s looking.

[00:32:59]but to me, It was when he said that I was like, no, I need it to cost something because there’s plenty of people I’ve bought things and I’ve never done it because it was $40 or it was a hundred dollars even. And at some point I know the value

[00:33:14] Henry Kaminski Jr.: [00:33:14] of this

[00:33:15] diane gibbs: [00:33:15] and. I wanted people to do it. it’s like the work you’ve done with Chris, it is, it’s not free, it’s hard work because it’s you work.

[00:33:23]Henry Kaminski Jr.: [00:33:23] Yeah. Listen, people that pay attention.  bottom line. Bottom line.

[00:33:27] diane gibbs: [00:33:27] Tell them about how you raised your prices for coaching or your individual coaching from a hundred dollars to two 50. I’m about that. Cause that was also you being valid. You were validating yourself and you were being the qualifier instead of waiting to be qualified.

[00:33:41]Henry Kaminski Jr.: [00:33:41] Yeah.  Last year in a year before I charged a hundred dollars for an initial console, like I’m not doing free consults anymore. It was a hundred bucks. So get on a phone with me for 30 minutes. It was a hundred dollars and who knows if we’re even gonna work together, but that’s what it was.

[00:33:54]And I would get these trickling in at like maybe two or three a month. So I’m on the phone with actually on the phone with my mindset coach, not even Chris. And I was just telling her some of these things, And she goes, there’s another person in that I’m coaching that, not in the scene, the field as you, but is a coach of some sort.

[00:34:09] And she charges $200 for her initial conference consultation conversation. So she says, okay, I want to challenge you to raise double your price on your end in intro console and going, I’m only getting three now a month. You want me to charge more? And so I

[00:34:24] diane gibbs: [00:34:24] then made you feel how uncomfortable, but

[00:34:27] Henry Kaminski Jr.: [00:34:27] my God clearly uncomfortable.

[00:34:29] Like now it’s going to go down to zero right there. I think

[00:34:32] diane gibbs: [00:34:32] comes through right

[00:34:34] Henry Kaminski Jr.: [00:34:34] now. I go F this I’m going in. We’re going to double the price. So January one, I figured N like first of the year, end of the year, a good time to make that adjustment, right? Yeah. So January one, this year, I doubled the price of the consult.

[00:34:47]Diane. I get double the amount of consults per month. So jump from it jumped from three a month to six a month on average. And there’s a 60% close ratio there. So do the math, right? Six come in. 60% of that is closing into 36 to $50,000 projects. Had she not challenged me? This is what I wanted. I wanted to get out before we ran out of time as had I not had the coaching and mentorship of the people that I’ve selected to be my coaches.

[00:35:17]I would have not had that outside perspective. I would have not had that challenge and I would have never done it. How do you go from scratching,  to make ends meet per month to have a $93,000 months, not years, months.

[00:35:31] On, during covid,

[00:35:33]you have to be, you have to push it.  you have to. So why hire a coach? Why dive into Diane stuff? Why invest in Chris’s stuff? Why invest in my stuff? Listen, the best of the best become the best of the best. Because they’re willing to be coached. Michael Jordan had coaches, one of the biggest egos on the planet.

[00:35:53] And I highly, I don’t care if you’re male or female. I don’t care if you’re a business owner or not go watch on Netflix. The last dance. It’s I could sit and I could watch it straight through. That’s how good it was, but it was all about Michael Jordan. And let me tell you something, Michael Jordan, isn’t the guy that you saw in McDonald’s commercials and in Nike commercials, he is ruthless, right?

[00:36:15] I’m not saying be as ruthless as him. I,  I was telling a lot of my colleagues after watching that documentary, I don’t know if I could be as bad ass as sorry, mom. That’s okay. Word as Michael Jackson,

[00:36:26] diane gibbs: [00:36:26] damn

[00:36:26] Henry Kaminski Jr.: [00:36:26] as Michael Jordan. this guy, he didn’t have much feelings and they would interview teammates and teammates would be like, we questioned that guy, emotional emotions.

[00:36:37] Like even if he even had any. And I don’t want to be that guy. Cause I don’t think I could ever be that guy if I tried to be that guy. But I’ve been raising the bar since watching that documentary with my team and. I’ve been pushing them, just like Michael’s coaches, push him just like Michael pushes his teammates.

[00:36:56]Colby Bryant was another one that did this really well. Push the crap out of his teammates. They go on to win four or five, six championships. So I always tell my team, I had a team meeting on Monday. I said, guys, I’m going to push you because we’re raising the bar this year. I said, I’m not, I don’t want to come across.

[00:37:13]As mean, But I’m going to be on you. Okay. Not to micromanage you. I’m going to be on you because I know you have it in you to get to this next level,

[00:37:24] diane gibbs: [00:37:24] man. Isn’t that the truth? That’s what a real, that’s what a coach does on a team.

[00:37:29] Henry Kaminski Jr.: [00:37:29] And that coach may have never played a game of basketball in his life.

[00:37:33] So keep that in mind.  Be like my throuth plus. Yeah.  I think I, Oh, not, Oh, I’m grateful for all the coaches that I had in my life, both personally, professionally, because I would not have been able to do this by myself. Hands down, no way.  you do not get this by yourself.

[00:37:52]And that’s something that I can now share and tell stories about because I was in the freelance shoo, where I was a one man band doing the marketing, doing the sales, doing the design work when print was big delivering print projects, I would spend a half a day just delivering. Roche print.  And then finally I find a print shop that drop ships. So now boom, get them to drop ship. I’ve been there. It’s scary to build a team. It’s scary to let go of the control. It’s scary to put a lot of money down on something and bet on yourself. But man,

[00:38:26]The feeling you get, like it’s like getting on a roller coaster, right? You’re petrified of jumping on that roller coaster, but when you get on it and you go and it’s done and you walk off, it’s completely, you feel completely different. And it’s the same thing with life. I’ll leave you with this.

[00:38:43]We’re all going to be 90. God bless us. If we make it that long. One day

[00:38:48]when you’re that age looking back on your life,

[00:38:51]what are you going to say? What are you going to say, man, that was one hell of a ride

[00:38:55]or. Man. I wish I would have jumped. I wish I would’ve got on the ride

[00:38:59]one life, one shot. What are you doing?

[00:39:01] diane gibbs: [00:39:01] You know what?  it’s for sure. You’re going to fall. You’re going to get hurt. It’s It’s for sure.  you were in line at the rollercoaster, forget people and keep getting people in front of you.

[00:39:10]You gotta ride.  You just gotta do it. What I think is so cool about what are you going to say at the end of your life and what are people gonna say about you, but how, what impact would you have made. If you had worked for your uncle, right? You may have a, would have impacted the people around you, but the impact that you are able to have now, because you’re taking a step out.

[00:39:31]And it’s uncomfortable. And I think about every time you fall, you’re going to get a scar like, We could probably show scars.

[00:39:37] Henry Kaminski Jr.: [00:39:37] I got plenty

[00:39:38] diane gibbs: [00:39:38] of them. And, but stories with those scars and from those things, now we don’t ride bikes that way. Are we? But the scars are like battle scars, In a way. And  I don’t know anybody.

[00:39:48] Who’s not Oh yeah, I got, nobody’s Oh, don’t look at my scar. Or I don’t know anybody like that. I don’t know. I guess we think of it and it’s this it’s something we’re proud of. So why are we so afraid to take risk? And I’m talking to myself here, not like I don’t ever take risks.

[00:40:00]I have a hard time too, but why can’t we be proud of those scars when we, when he fought, had you not been spending? Okay. And keeping up and trying to keep up, you would have never gotten to the place where you can. Now you have invested, you are now not in just investing in money, but you invest in people.

[00:40:19] There are people that you see golden if on your team and that they can do more, just like Mario would be if he was coaching somebody to. Do 40 more sit-ups he’d be, he wouldn’t be okay with just one. You got to keep pushing to build that muscle and you see it, you see their potential, but they don’t see it.

[00:40:36] Henry Kaminski Jr.: [00:40:36] That’s why it’s so important to have coaches in your life that can see the outside of the label. Let me share this with you. If you like a lot of people that are watching this, I don’t know what your desires are. I don’t know what you want to be. I don’t know where you want to take your business or what you want to do with life.

[00:40:52]But if you, one of the things that I do now, as I get older is I don’t talk as much. Believe it or not. I don’t like when I’m out in, like when I talk a lot, cause I’m being featured here, but yeah. But when I’m not. Yeah. But for the most part, like people are like, are you okay? Cause they’re used to the old Henry, That just never shuts up. I’ve been much more reserved at an older age. And I look for patterns. I look for patterns and this is what I want to share with you guys. If you want to do one thing, if you want to be influential, if you want to, if you want people coming to you, look for the patterns. So I studied a lot of successful people.

[00:41:26]That’s why I watch documentaries, And there’s a common denominator that I see amongst all of them. And we’re talking the David fosters of the music industry. There’s not one song on the radio that guy didn’t produce. That didn’t go crazy. David Foster, Steve Madden, the shoe guy. Yeah, lady Gaga.

[00:41:44]Love her. Jordan, who else did I watch? Coby? I watched, I studied these guys and here’s the one thing that I noticed about all of them. They all question and doubt themselves. Just like any one else. Steve Madden said it best the other day. He said, man, one day I’m riding on top of the world. And the next day I’m saying to myself, what the hell do I know.

[00:42:07]They’ve all said, David Foster he’s worked with me moles. I said the same thing. Jordan said the same thing. All of them said the same thing. They all come to us time where they doubt themselves. And the point that I’m trying to make is, do you think I got here after 14 years? Full of confidence knew, knowing that I was going to, there were times where there were multiple times where I said, Henry, why don’t you just hang this thing up?

[00:42:34]And. Go mow lawns, go be a landscaper. it’s there’s zero,  responsibility there just don’t screw up the lawn, right? Just go be a landscaper. You enjoyed that when you were a kid, you’d enjoy it now. And there’s been times where I was ready to take this computer, throw it out the window and become a landscaper.

[00:42:52] Not own my own business, work for somebody and be a landscaper. It’s a lot different.

[00:42:56]And I said, no, cause you’ll landscape for one day and say to yourself, what the hell are you doing here? Get out, get back up, get going, figure out the lesson, learned and keep going. And. I just had, I just kept going and I keep going.  I was talking about it yesterday. I don’t know what I’m. My forties are going to be great.

[00:43:19]I’m going to be a different person. When I’m 50. See, I’m going to evolve into something. I’m going to adapt into something I’m going to write. If I’m the same person I am today, 10 years from now, something’s wrong. You better get me help. So adapting to answer Mary’s question, a little bit deeper, like adapting to the environment.

[00:43:37] I grew up in a, I grew up in a neighborhood that had very little white people. My high school had 50 white kids in total. In the whole school. So I grew up in a very diverse neighborhood, very urban neighborhood. And here’s this little, skinny, white kid at the time,  trying to find himself as a person, as a teenager.

[00:43:57] And growing up in that environment, I learned so much and the streets taught me so much. Those kids were, I thought I had a band, they had 50 times worse than me. They kept going.  I never tried to be, I did at one point in my life I did, but the reason why I was able to survive in that neighborhood.

[00:44:16]And in that school district is because I had adapted to my environment. I adapted to it and I wound up loving it. Why? Cause I’m a huge hip hop guy. I love hip hop music, not the new stuff, a lot of the old stuff, but man listening to that music growing up and I still listened to it to this day. There are so many stories and lessons to be learned in those people’s music that drive me.

[00:44:39]That motivate me. That inspire me. No, some of you guys may not know these names, but like NAS is one of my favorite rappers of all time. This guy is a little bit older than me and I grew up listening to his music and every song back then was a story about his life. Have you ever

[00:44:57] diane gibbs: [00:44:57] reached out

[00:44:58] Henry Kaminski Jr.: [00:44:58] to him? No, but, I’m going to put this out in the universe again.

[00:45:01]He’s coming on my podcast. You will be on my podcast. I don’t know when, but he will be on my podcast. Mark. My words

[00:45:08]inspired by this music and this culture. See this, the hip hop culture is like. They’re out there. They’re out to prove something they’re out to turn a negative into a positive, like the good stuff. There’s a lot of bad stuff out there too, but the good stuff, the folks that, the stuff that I like listened to is always inspiring.

[00:45:25] Always like we were here now. We’re there. And this is how we did it,  and NA’s, now’s was at a point now in his career where he’s managing artists, he’s bringing artists in under his label. I think he has a label now. And this is something that I watched in his documentary. He said, I’ll take an artist that is not as good, but.

[00:45:44]Is willing to put in the work and not expect

[00:45:47]notoriety praise and fame without doing that kind of work. And so he was talking about one of his new artists that he brought on and he was like, that’s why I brought on this guy because yeah, he, he was good. He was talented, but he wasn’t as talented as this guy, but this guy. Acted like it was, he was entitled to it.

[00:46:08]And he said that these are the people that I want to work with. And I hire my team based on that too, because I trust myself. I’m confident in myself. That I could level these, this my team up. No, they don’t need to be the best designer, but they will be, they’ll have to have some competence at a certain level, certain standard, but I’ll take the person that’s willing to, let me give you a quick example.

[00:46:31]My website developer, that designs that develops all my sites. Once they’re designed, he had his second kid yesterday, born. Okay. We had a client that we just launched his brand this week, there was a technical glitch, but the URL, the redirect was not going to the right pages.  developer was at the hospital with his wife and his newborn goes home to make the damn changes and then goes back to the hospital.

[00:46:59]To be with his family. That’s why that guy’s on my team. That’s why that guy’s on my team.

[00:47:04]Who’s doing that these days.

[00:47:05] diane gibbs: [00:47:05] I think there’s a whole nother conversation about being a team player, being on a team, growing a team, motivating a team. so I tell my students that they’re. Are you okay. Just working at staples, FedEx Kinko’s you know, if you are then just do the minimum, do the three hours of learning per week, then I’m asking for, if you want to do more, then you will do more.

[00:47:26] I have, is it if there’s no golden ticket, there’s no, moving sidewalk, you gotta walk it. You gotta do it right. But I think I always ask people if they were on a team, if they played team sports. Yeah. And that is you don’t always have to be the star player. there’s a place for everybody.

[00:47:43]I’m not talking about tennis people. sorry. I’m not talking about tennis. but the kind of team where it’s like soccer or football or baseball, where there’s a role in everybody. if somebody’s not doing their job, it’s going to hurt. Other

[00:47:55] Henry Kaminski Jr.: [00:47:55] people. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Here’s the thing at the end of the day,

[00:47:58]business is a team sport. Let’s get that. Jordan doesn’t win championships. LeBron doesn’t win championships by themselves. Okay. Neither does a successful business. I could not be doing this interview today. If I didn’t have my team,

[00:48:13]there’s a there’s something that I learned in my master’s program that I’ll never forget resource allocation. Allocate your resources and there’s power in people. There’s power in people. So focus on your strengths, hire great people

[00:48:27]and get the hell out of the way.

[00:48:29] diane gibbs: [00:48:29] Watch from the bathroom window, right?

[00:48:31] Henry Kaminski Jr.: [00:48:31] Yeah. Like me, my watching my guys put the patio together. That’s that is how you do it. And eventually you build, so I was, again, example on my team meetings that I have on Mondays. I said, guys, you know my purpose here is to build an all star team.

[00:48:46] We are already an all star team. But we can’t get comfortable. We can’t placement. Otherwise we’re going to get beat. So  this is a team sport. I’m the coach  and I want this to be an all star team. We are all stars on this team. Otherwise you wouldn’t be on the team. So how do all stars play?

[00:49:02]And then I just shut up and I let them talk. And they say some valuable things. They say some great things. You’re ready. We anticipate clients’ needs. One, two, we deliver ahead of schedule, Three work where we are open communicators amongst. The team, when we feel like we can’t get something done, we’re going to reach out to somebody to help us pick up the Slack.

[00:49:25]Or if somebody else is stronger in one category, we’re going to delegate. We know Henry’s a crazy person when it comes to quality assurance, just because of, I have PTSD in that area of my business.  And so I’m going to be super anal about quality assurance. So I don’t even want to see a funnel, a website without it being checked three times and going through we’ve set up systems now for QA.

[00:49:51]I don’t want to see it until it’s gone through that stress test.  They know this already, so they won’t even show it to me until it’s. At that level.

[00:50:00] diane gibbs: [00:50:00] So

[00:50:00] Henry Kaminski Jr.: [00:50:00] my team is for certain people, it’s not for everybody. I’ve had team members in the past that they were like lead weights. And I had the letter, let them go

[00:50:09] diane gibbs: [00:50:09] because they drag other people down to it, but it’s hard and you get better as you continue to do it.

[00:50:14] And trends or you figure out questions to ask in an interview.  or you can talk to other people who’ve worked with them or are know them,

[00:50:22] Henry Kaminski Jr.: [00:50:22] You have to spot that stuff fast and cut it fast. Otherwise you’re screwed because that turns into a cancer and what cancer does.

[00:50:29]So I’ve been very good with that. And,  we just had one this day, we were on board and somebody and onboarding a junior designer and. I get V1 back. And I said, version one back of a website design. And I go, absolutely not. This is not even close. So I talked to my lead designer and I said, what do we do here?

[00:50:50]And he was like, maybe you give them another shot, give them a little bit more direction. And then I started talking and he said, my lead designer goes,  you know what shocked me. I was surprised that he didn’t know what a podcast was. And I was like, Whoa, how did he even get through the door without knowing what a podcast was?

[00:51:04]And so I told my lead designer, I said, sorry, got to go. You’re going to take over this project. Wish him a farewell. Tell him I said, thanks for his work. We’ll take care of them. we just I’m not going to let them go out. I’ll pay them, the time is spent on that, but I said, he’s got to go.

[00:51:18]And that was it. my lead designer picked up on the job. it was like running over a, an acorn versus a speed bump.  And we just kept it moving.  And so these are some of the things that go on behind the scenes, like internally with team members that like, you just gotta, you came to think about it.

[00:51:33]Right and everything, but no, I don’t even know what a podcast is. This design, when I try to give as much direction as they can without telling them what to do. And this is what comes back too far. The gap is too to try to spend time on correcting that, just dump it go. And that’s where I think that’s the most recent listen I will ever be in business.

[00:51:54] Is that right there? 

[00:51:55] diane gibbs: [00:51:55] but it’s how you’re able to deliver for your clients. You’re not going to have a doctor that may DS look at your kid, right? You liked it. Make CS. No, I’m really made these, Oh, go ahead. Go ahead and treat my child. And hopefully you’re treating your clients. Like you would a family member.

[00:52:12] You want the best for them. So you’re not going to subpar somebody and he just needs to level up if he’s maybe willing to be taught. But that’s the other thing it’s like, You got to know what you don’t know, and you should do the research on where you’re going to work and see all the things. It’s pretty easy.

[00:52:27] We’re going to wrap it up. Cause I know you got other things to do, but look, you guys can follow Henry at the brand doctor is where, if you’re on Instagram, D R the brand D R also that’s the, YouTube as well. I just put them all in the, the chat, so unique designs. Instead of an S it’s a  Instagram, the brand doctor, D R and then it’s the brand doctor

[00:52:50] Henry Kaminski Jr.: [00:52:50] on YouTube.

[00:52:51] Yeah. You just, yep. I’ll show right up. Yep. But Diane, thanks again for having me on, it’s such a pleasure to connect with you and spend time with you. Like you’re such an, you’re such an amazing soul and like your assault, the earth, like when I think of Diane Gibbs, I think of a person with so much love.

[00:53:05] And I just want to give you a big hug if I ever meet you in person and, Just keep doing what you’re doing. You’re making such an impact and you’re helping so many people in a way that I don’t even know if but like w why would I, not everybody is doing what you’re doing, and somebody needs to acknowledged knowledge.

[00:53:22] You acknowledge it because there’s so many other things you’d be doing right now. You’re doing this. So you should be, you should get a big hug for that. 

[00:53:29] diane gibbs: [00:53:29] thanks. I can’t wait. I am a big hugger. I small, but I give really strong hugs. So strong than my sister tells me. I hug her too tight, too hard sometimes.

[00:53:39]I am very thankful for you, Henry. You are making a difference and I appreciate you’re such an encourager for me, but you are such a motivator. I feel like I could go take on the world. And I think that we need. People like that, but we actually need to realize that we can make a difference. Everybody can make a difference, but you can’t make a difference if you’re just, if you’re not willing to do any actions, my summer camp was not perfect.

[00:54:01]It wasn’t everything wasn’t super tight on everything. Clearly it wasn’t tied on a lot of things, but I was me and it was scary to step out and do that, but it didn’t, It didn’t take away. And so I always think Chris told me one time, he’s what are you going to do? If you don’t do this?

[00:54:18] He always has like a positive thing that you’re gonna do reward yourself or a thing that you’re going to do to, or at least he did for me. And I said, Oh, I’m going to do it for sure. I’m not going to disappear. He said, that’s not enough. You need to not disappoint. And so I was like, I’m going to get my car detailed.

[00:54:32] Maybe if I do it. I still haven’t got my card detail, but maybe I will.  but the thing was way better, way more of a motivator. He said, what are you going to do if you don’t do it? And I said, I’m going to eat a spoonful of mayonnaise. I hate man, these people, bad hate Manny’s and I knew I wasn’t gonna eat a spoonful of mayonnaise.

[00:54:49]I’ll do anything to, I mean like some people, it might be, I think Dustin, it was burned his new guitar, that he’d spent however much money on that. His wife would kill him if he had just burned it. But sometimes you have to have something on the line that is actually. Will be painful to you if you don’t do it, because when you hold yourself back, you’re all the people that you could touch.

[00:55:09]Now, can’t hear just if you were doing everything in a vacuum, if you were just recording these videos for your son, so many people wouldn’t move forward. There were so it’s important to be out there. It’s important. You never know the people that you’ll touch, that. I had a kid who said to another kid, they were in figure drawing class or something and said, you should try graphic design.

[00:55:30]And that conversation made that other kid try graph. That’s one thing she didn’t even know that the other, that conversation that she had with that other girl, mate, you just never know it could be in passing. It could be saying something that, you know what you, I love your shirt. And that might’ve needed somebody needed.

[00:55:46]Anyway, you guys know, I just think we should love on each other more. I’m excited. We Adrian’s now in Ireland and we got Ireland represented. We got Hawaii. We got a whole bunch of people from America, and I am super thankful for you guys coming in. Henry. Thank you so much. You guys make sure you follow him.

[00:56:04] He will keep you on your toes. I hope you guys enjoy and we’ll see. Oh, next week. We have Tom Ross and,  Mike Janda. And we’re going to be talking about collaboration and stepping out and asking somebody else to collaborate with you.

[00:56:16] So we see next week.


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