This week I am interviewing my friend Chris Martin. During the last series “Where Are They Now” series, I asked a lot of questions about pivotal moments in people’s businesses, decisions they had made, and things they struggled with.
One thing I learned was everyone struggles with something. We go through peaks and valleys in regards to our creativity and production. There are times we battle with overload and there are droughts. These droughts can be inspiration, motivation, lack of projects, etc. Everyone battles this. And because everyone battles it, I am not alone.
I also like seeing what other people do to get out of it. I love seeing where they draw inspiration from, where they or how they glean motivation. I also like to know what keeps them moving forward and what has been holding them back. Has it held them back in the past, is this a recurring hold or do they encounter new obstacles?
I will probably continue to ask some of these questions in future episodes and this episode is no different. Chris and I have great conversations about lots of the stuff I wonder about. Hiring Chris was also a pivotal business move for me. One of the top five business decisions I ever made.
To me when I hire someone I want to be able to completely trust them to do the best job. I want to develop a relationship and bonded friendship where we rely on each other. And that is exactly what I have with Chris. Hiring Chris to produce and edit my podcast was a huge step for me. I was like so many other podcasters I have spoken with, I thought I was doing ok. I often said, “I can’t afford to hire someone.” But really I have no idea how I did it before.
My time was not my own. I can’t tell you how much time I have gained by giving this to Chris to do. We work collaboratively. He tries fun things, I ask to change the music, we share ideas, and I feel comfortable sharing the dreams I have for this show and channel.
He is an incredible friend and an INCREDIBLE encourager. I thank God everyday for my friend Chris and for allowing me to turn over this big thing to Chris each week and I do it with EASE!
Ok but that is not ALL the show is about. This week I will talk to Chris Martin about a new series he started at the beginning of the year. These documentaries are awesome. Here’s why. Chris has a podcast where he interviews people from all different industries and he draws me in. There are subjects I think, “I don’t know if I will be interested in this one,” and then I can’t stop listening. He put all that goodness into a video format.
I love how he tells these people’s stories. I am excited for him to share with you how he came up with the idea, how it fuels him, and where he plans on taking this series.
I hope you will join me for Episode 448, LIVE on WEDNESDAY, Sept 13, 2023 at 11:30am PT / 2:30pm ET / 7:30pm BST / 8:30am in Hawaii
You can be part of the conversation live with us. Simply join the Creatives Ignite Family by giving me your email and get a reminder email 30 min before the show: You can also add it to your calendar so you don’t miss it. (Those links are in the emails). See you there, then you can type in the chat and ask questions live.

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- Chris, can you tell everybody a little background about you, who you are, where you are, and what you do?
- What was going on last year when you had the idea to start this series?
- Why video and not audio only?
- You regularly make weekly content and sometimes bi-weekly (or twice a week). How are you able to keep up that rigorous content creation schedule? How do you plan for content?
- How do you plan for these special projects?
- How are you able to work these special projects into your normal schedule of client work and podcast creation and writing that you do for yourself?
- How has this project been new and joyful?
- What have you learned that you will implement in the future?
- The best thing I have done in the last five years for this show was hiring you. This was a huge fear for me. I had Ashleigh working on the admin part for ten years. And I created 95% of the graphics for the last 11 years. For years my Saturdays were spent making graphics, doing research, and editing or rather not editing and uploading the show.
- Ashleigh was really the only person I trusted to do what she needed to do each month without me checking in. It was a relief to have her on the team knowing I could give her a list of people to reach out to and she would schedule them and get them ready to hand off to me. For me to give the editing and uploading to you was a big big scary thing but also it has been the best thing. I trust you and wish I had done it sooner. Do you hear this often?
- What is next in the series?
- Who is your ideal customer/client? Are there any projects or clients that you are looking for? What work are you open to right now?
Connect with Chris
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Jack Kent video:
Rick Marston video:
Save the Ta-tas Go-Fund-Me
If you would like to give to the Save the Ta-Ta’s which is for Medical Expenses for Julie Reed’s Cancer that returned: Go Fund Me:
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