
Brandon Oldenburg // Crafting Stories that Touch Audiences

Aired on Wednesday, April 22, 2015. Episode 129. Brandon Oldenburg is a illustrator, animator, Academy Award Winner, and co-founder and managing partner at Moonbot Studios. He has been making movies since he was a child, find out what keeps his creative juices flowing and why crafting compelling stories is so important.

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Shauna Panczyszyn // The Importance of Side Projects

Aired on Wednesday, April 15, 2015. Episode 128 After an incredible weekend with incredible designers and illustrators at Creative South I am pumped and ready to jump back and make changes in my process and work. I was thankful to be able to hang out a little with Shauna Lynn and was inspired by her

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Jason Carne // Lettering Library

Jason Carne is a talented, creative letterer and designer. Jason is a an impeccable researcher and has built his personal, visual library full of vital resources for typography and lettering enthusiasts. His latest venture is a website focuses on sharing both instructional and reference-based books that are scarce, antiquarian publications as a means to provide

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