creative block

diane gibbs watermelon pattern summer 2024

My Sketchbook Journey Summer 2024

I am hitting some walls. I am repeating some bad habits. I am going to share all about it and walk through my sketchbooks and what exercises have been helping. Anybody else hitting some creative block? I KEEP GETTING IN MY OWN WAY!!!! I had to text my good friend Hannah today and told her […]

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Chris Martin // The Documentary Series

We go through peaks and valleys in regards to our creativity and production. There are times we battle with overload and there are droughts. These droughts can be inspiration, motivation, lack of projects, etc. Everyone battles this.

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Imagination Exercise: A Conversation with Friends

This week I am excited to have invited a few friends on to talk about this 30 day challenge we have embarked on. You can pick it up and join in anytime. It doesn’t have to be in line with the beginning of a month. It only has to be something that you want to

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Ryan Hollingsworth // Putting Pride Aside

Episode 420, LIVE on Wednesday, October 19, 2022 I heard Ryan’s story at Design Revival ( an awesome conference in Columbus Georgia) this past August. I was struck by his ability to grow, adapt, recognize the places where he needed to grow, and the leadership and direction he was given. Ryan is the Creative Director

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Von Glitschka // Dealing with Burnout

Episode 419, Live on October 12, 2022. I have been in awe of and inspired by Von Glitschka for years. He always seems to be doing something new and working on a self-initiated side project, teaching something, working for clients, speaking at events, and being a front runner in our industry. I wanted to ask

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The New Normal // The Summer of 2022 // Part 3

Episode 417 aired on Wed. Sept 28, 2022. Or Listen Last week I took care of my mom, who had oral surgery. She did amazing and must have a high tolerance for pain because she never complained.  The internet at their house was not great (but it is the best they can get, literally it

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