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The Power of Enthusiasm & a Sketchbook with Katie Merrien Sketchbook Thinking https://creativesignite.com/the-power-of-enthusiasm-a-sketchbook/

The Power of Enthusiasm & a Sketchbook with Katie Merrien

Katie is a graphic recorder, who loves collaborating and serving others. We dive into Katie’s story, her sketchbooks, and find out how her enthusiasm and amazing personality combined with her sketchnotes led to career opportunities.

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Doc Reed // Where Are They Now series

Have you had a friend that you can’t really pin point when you met them, they feel like they have been in your life for a long time and it feels like they have always been there? That is what Doc Reed is like for me. He has been on this creative journey with me

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Jason Craig // Where Are They Now series

Jason Craig has been someone that people can relate to. He has fun with design, is an amazing illustrator and designer but can also loosen up and not take things so serious. In this episode we will look at how and what he has been doing since going on his own. I believe he has

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Growing, Experimenting, & Loving Working InHouse with Alex Mera

Episode 345 Aired May 20, 2020 Do you think that all inHouse jobs are the same?Does your job value your side project? Do they even know about your hobbies? Would they ever consider using them at work?Do you get to work on a diverse team of incredible designers who believe in each other and see

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Group Chat // What Are You Learning?

Episode 338 Airs Wednesday, April 1, 2020, at 2:30 pm ET / 11:30 am PT / 7:30pm GMT Are you taking advantage of your time and teaching yourself something new?What strategies are you using to stay on top of changing technology and applications?Who do you follow? Who do you invest in? And how do you

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Lisa Quine // The Social Media Opportunity

Episode 295. Aired Wednesday, May 1, 2019 Or listen here. Do you know how to track your progress on social media? On Instagram? Do you know how to “work” the algorithm? When you pivot in your career how does that affect your social media following? Or your audience? What is the best tactic to use

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Adam Grason // The Freelancer Life Exposed

Episode 294. Aired Wednesday, April 24, 2019. Are you Self-Taught? Aren’t we all in some areas? Do you think you might spend too much time on Social Media, or creating posts for Social Media? Are you a freelancer? Have you been one for over 10 years? Is your goal to be a freelancer and want

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Veronique Zayas // The Business Beyond Freelancing

Episode 289. Aired March 6, 2019.    Or listen here:     We covered these topics this week: How many hours a week do you work? Too many? Does your output match your input? Have you had to expand your idea of your ideal business? Have you thought about adding another designer on full time

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Jodi Miller // Beautiful Words

Aired Wednesday, February 13, 2019. This episode will cover: Have you ever longed for having clear purpose? Have you ever felt “called” to do a certain thing or a profession? Do you want to encourage others? Do you feel led to make the world a better place? Are you an illustrator or designer but aren’t

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