Love on Designers 2021

It is here, LOVE ON DESIGNERS 2021. Kim Panella and I started this endeavor in 2018 and have been doing it ever since!


Pre-Covid I would say take someone to coffee, bring someone a coffee or soda or red bull.

This year you could buy someone a coffee card. Have you seen, Maybe some of your friends have this set up?

Be positive energy for others in meetings this week.

Here are the prompts for this week, try and do one of these this week. Snap a photo and use the hashtag #loveondesigners when you post it. Post an energizing quote and tag a friend who could use some energizing (remember to use the #loveondesigners tag)


Create a post and share an encouraging word on social media specifically to someone who needs a lift. Tag them and use the hashtag #loveondesigners
Send an old fashioned letter to someone who you know who has been killing it in our industry.
Direct message someone and let them know you have seen their work and know how much time and energy they have been putting into it and it isn’t going unnoticed.

Week 3 is RECHARGE

This is a week for you, so focus on you and giving you what you need this week. Shoot a picture and use the hashtag #loveondesigners this week and let us know how you are taking care of yourself this week.

Take a walk or a hike.
Do yoga.
Give yourself an at-home spa day.
Watch a movie.
Take a nap.

Do something that refuels you, take a picture and use the #loveondesigners.

Week 4 is CONNECT

This week we want you to reach out to someone you don’t know and tell them how their work / life has inspired you.

Create a Social Media post and tag them (and us) telling them how they have inspired or helped you.
Reach out to a mentor and let them know how much they have meant to you.
Send a card to someone you have looked up to, to their office. Do a little digging and find the address. And craft an incredible envelope to go with the card.

I hope you will join us as we lift up the design community this month and spread the love.

Here is how to enter to win one of the five giveaways this month:

GIVEAWAY TIME! Tag 2 friends in the comments to enter the drawing for some of my favorite drawing and painting tools, plus a few cards to send to friends and people who inspire you, postcards which you can hang in your office, and a few special surprise bonus items!

Five winners will be randomly selected. The each week I will post twice a week on instagram @designrecharge. Three winners will be randomly selected from each week. To be entered to win all you have to do is:

  1. Follow @designrecharge.
  2. Comment and tag two friends to enter.
    AND / OR
    The last two weeks we will choose a person during the Feb 17th live show and during the Feb 24 live show. All you have to do is:
  3. Come to the live show
  4. Comment during the show

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