
The Power of Enthusiasm & a Sketchbook with Katie Merrien Sketchbook Thinking https://creativesignite.com/the-power-of-enthusiasm-a-sketchbook/

The Power of Enthusiasm & a Sketchbook with Katie Merrien

Katie is a graphic recorder, who loves collaborating and serving others. We dive into Katie’s story, her sketchbooks, and find out how her enthusiasm and amazing personality combined with her sketchnotes led to career opportunities.

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Scotty Russell // Where Are They Now series

Scotty Russell is a coach, artist, designer, podcaster, speaker, dad to three and husband. Scotty is someone who is passionate about helping other people. He is empathetic towards people who are amazing but are in less than great situations. He has helped hundreds of creatives take their side hustle to be their main hustle through his unique spin on mindset, motivation, and marketing.

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Jason Craig // Where Are They Now series

Jason Craig has been someone that people can relate to. He has fun with design, is an amazing illustrator and designer but can also loosen up and not take things so serious. In this episode we will look at how and what he has been doing since going on his own. I believe he has

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New Year, New Focus, New Mindset with Mario Quezada

This time of year can be hard. It can also be stressful, the pressure to make changes, the pressure to produce more, to know your direction, and to take action. How do you handle the new year? How is your mental health starting in January? I am positive but also I can put a lot

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Sandi Hester // Sketchbooks as Process Tools

Episode 423 LIVE on Wed, Nov 9, 2022 or Listen here Sandi Hester is an artist and has a fantastic channel on YouTube called “Bits of an Artist’s Life.” I found her this summer and she was just the medicine I needed. She is always growing and trying new things in her art. Sandi’s process

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A Conversation about Process with Mario Quezada

Episode 422 aired on Wed, Nov. 2, 2022 Are you a Template reviser? Or do you start from scratch? Which of these feeds your anxiety and which one is the place where you flourish? Or is your process something else? In all my self investigation this summer a conversation that my friend Mario and I

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The Urge to Put my Head in the Sand

Episode 421, Aired LIVE on Oct 26, 2022 This week on the show I will be talking about the on-going battle in my head of my self-shaming. I am trying to face the ugly and learn from it instead of running from it. I have avoided this ugliness by getting busy and not facing the

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