
Marius Valdes, inspiration in action Episode 470 Creatives Ignite

Inspiration in Action with Marius Valdes

This series is fascinating to me because I love seeing how people learn, how what they are experiencing, reading, and seeing influence and effect their art and design. His characters are lovable and joyful. Marius brings that joy to walls through his murals, bookshelves through his books and illustration projects, and anywhere else stickers can live. You can get your own stickers, art, books, and more by visiting his website.

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Colin Grist panic attack or heart attack, mental health month 020124 exercise class

Panic Attack or Heart Attack? with Colin Grist

We close mental health awareness month with Colin Grist and a story about making a change in your life for your mental health and physical health. Colin’s going to share about feeling like he was having a heart attack and going to the doctor to find out he had a different diagnosis. Panic attacks are

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Chris Martin // The Documentary Series

We go through peaks and valleys in regards to our creativity and production. There are times we battle with overload and there are droughts. These droughts can be inspiration, motivation, lack of projects, etc. Everyone battles this.

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Doc Reed // Where Are They Now series

Have you had a friend that you can’t really pin point when you met them, they feel like they have been in your life for a long time and it feels like they have always been there? That is what Doc Reed is like for me. He has been on this creative journey with me

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Scott Biersack // Where Are They Now series

Episode 436 is LIVE on May 3, 2023 at 11:30am PT / 2:30pm ET / 6:30pm GMT / 8:30am in Hawaii We are continuing with the Where are They Now series. I expect I might get a little teary but I am going to do my best this week. I am getting to interview one

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ABC’s of February with Dameon Williams

Episode 432 LIVE on February 15, 2023 at 7:30 pm GMT / 2:30 pm ET / 11:30am PT / 9:30am in Hawaii There are so many benefits of having a regular creative practice. Starting your own challenge, celebrating during a specific month, or even joining in with others during something like inktober aids you in

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Love on Designers (& Creatives) 2023

Back in 2018 my friend Kim Panella and I decided to take the month of February to love on our friends, mentors, co-workers and people starting in the field, also taking a week to do some self-love. This is not limited to Designers only but any Creative. Will you join me this year and celebrate

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Sandi Hester // Sketchbooks as Process Tools

Episode 423 LIVE on Wed, Nov 9, 2022 or Listen here Sandi Hester is an artist and has a fantastic channel on YouTube called “Bits of an Artist’s Life.” I found her this summer and she was just the medicine I needed. She is always growing and trying new things in her art. Sandi’s process

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Ryan Hollingsworth // Putting Pride Aside

Episode 420, LIVE on Wednesday, October 19, 2022 I heard Ryan’s story at Design Revival ( an awesome conference in Columbus Georgia) this past August. I was struck by his ability to grow, adapt, recognize the places where he needed to grow, and the leadership and direction he was given. Ryan is the Creative Director

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