Rapid Recharge

the birds project what i learned from the paper cut collage 75 art challenge

What I Learned from my Bird Project: Rapid Recharge

That’s a lot of birds. Why geese or ducks? Why flamingos? Why this process? I introduced you to the birds back in February, in the episode called “The Benefits of Side Adventures.” But now I have had time to finish, process it in my mind, and reflect on how to use this process in the […]

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bird side adventure instagram

The Benefits of Side Adventures

As a designer one of the best characteristics I look for in someone I am collaborating with or someone I’m hiring is the ability to stay calm when things get dicey. The person who takes things serious but doesn’t get their panties in a wad. They just don’t get their feathers ruffled.  Things don’t always

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Love on Designers (& Creatives) 2023

Back in 2018 my friend Kim Panella and I decided to take the month of February to love on our friends, mentors, co-workers and people starting in the field, also taking a week to do some self-love. This is not limited to Designers only but any Creative. Will you join me this year and celebrate

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The Lies I Need to Stop Telling Myself

Episode 428 Aired LIVE on Jan 18, 2023. I often tell myself things I should be doing, or things I should be improving, or things I should be learning. But there are only 24 hours in everyday and we are supposed to sleep for one third of those hours. I am teaching a class about

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The Urge to Put my Head in the Sand

Episode 421, Aired LIVE on Oct 26, 2022 This week on the show I will be talking about the on-going battle in my head of my self-shaming. I am trying to face the ugly and learn from it instead of running from it. I have avoided this ugliness by getting busy and not facing the

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The New Normal // The Summer of 2022 // Part 3

Episode 417 aired on Wed. Sept 28, 2022. Or Listen Last week I took care of my mom, who had oral surgery. She did amazing and must have a high tolerance for pain because she never complained.  The internet at their house was not great (but it is the best they can get, literally it

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The Messy Middle Summer of 2022 // Part 2

I made it a point to reconnect with making art and become accepting of the process which includes making a lot of messes. This was something I had not done outside my sketchbook in years, maybe decades. Meaning I was making something that was purposeless, or just for me. I call this the messy middle and honestly it is part of every single project. 

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The Summer 2022 Recap // Part 1

This is episode 415. It aired live on Sept 7, 2022. Maybe you thought I made it to 10 years and gave up.  I didn’t give up. I was really not in a great place at the end of April this year. I want to tell you about what this summer was for me. What

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